We started cloth diapering our second child this year. There are so many options for cloth diapering, it can get a little overwhelming, especially if this is your first child. Here are a few thing I wish I had known before we bought our stash.
10 Essentials for cloth diapering moms
1. Diapers (duh!) What kind is totally up to you. With all the options out there, this is a whole other post all on it's own. For newborns, it is recommended that you have 12-14 diapers. If this is your first child in cloth and you are unsure what type of diapers will work for you, try buying a variety before jumping in with just one type.
2. Inserts. These are the absorbent part of cloth diapers. You will need at least twice as many inserts as diapers, it really depends on how often you want to do laundry. Again, tons of options, but I would recommend staying away from microfiber inserts. I also suggest finding a WAHM to make custom inserts for you.
3. Changing Table. After not having one at all for my first child, and having one now, this is definitely a must have! They give you a place to keep all of your parts for the diapers organized and in easy reach.
4. Diaper Pail. Anything will do really, we just got a small trash can with a lid, but there are many options. If you want a fancier option, check out Diaper Dekor Plus Diaper Pail System.
5. Wet Bags. These are waterproof bags to hold wet/soiled diapers, also called pail liners. You need at least one full size for your diaper pail and a medium one for on the go to keep in your diaper bag. If you went with the Diaper Dekor, they have pail liners for cloth as well.
6. Flour Sack Towels (FST). These are "tea" towels you can get in most stores. You will find them with the kitchen towels for about a dollar each. They are super absorbent and are perfect for those days that you need another option because you got a late start on your diaper laundry and the inserts are still drying (they take FOREVER to dry sometimes). Or, if you are trying to go as cheap as possible, you can use them as your main option for inserts. They are a better choice than microfiber any day!
7. Cloth Wipes. I love my cloth wipes for the simple fact that I don't have to keep the wipes separate from the diapers. There's nothing like poking through your dirty diapers to make sure your husband didn't put a disposable wipe in there. They all go in the wash with the diapers. You can find them on amazon, but can also be made custom by a WAHM. You will need 2 wipes to every 1 diaper you have.
8. Spray Bottle. Again, doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something to keep water in to spray down your cloth wipes. Simple, but super important! Some people buy cloth wipe solutions you can add if you want a little more than water, but it is recommended to keep the wipes dry to avoid bacteria.
9. Good washing detergent. There are special, expensive detergents made just for washing your cloth, but they aren't the best option. Any detergent will do, we use All Free and Clear or Tide. You can use liquid, or powder, completely up to you.
10. Overnight option. Nobody likes waking up wet in the middle of the night, so your LO may need a little extra protection to make it through the night. This is another way FST come in handy. Just wrap one of your everyday inserts in a FST and you're good for most of the night. There are of course other options, so look into what would be best for you.
Some other things to consider.
Snappi. I haven't personally used these, but I have friends who swear by them. They are the modern day alternative to diaper pins, but they are not necessary with all types of diapers.
Diaper Sprayer. Also something I haven't personally used since my LO is EBF (exclusively breastfed) but when he starts eating solids we may need one. They hook up to the toilet so you can just spray away the poo.
Reusable Breast Pads. Since you are so environmentally conscientious, why not look into other reusable options? Breast pads are a great place to start. Try www.breastpads.com. But first Google to find a free code good for 10 free pairs, you only have to pay shipping!
What are your essentials for cloth diapering?